Anouk Focquet on testing a tracking system that continuously monitors every step of employees

Anouk Focquet commented in 'De Tijd' on the testing a tracking system that continuously monitors every step of employees and visitors via electronic cards and sensors. Anouk explains that when it comes to privacy, there is “one golden rule: the measure may not go beyond what a company considers to be strictly necessary”. Want to know more? Read Anouk’s full contribution in 'De Tijd'. 

20 Nov 2019

Anouk Focquet on testing a tracking system that continuously monitors every step of employees

Anouk Focquet commented in 'De Tijd' on the testing a tracking system that continuously monitors every step of employees and visitors via electronic cards and sensors. Anouk explains that when it comes to privacy, there is “one golden rule: the measure may not go beyond what a company considers to be strictly necessary”. Want to know more? Read Anouk’s full contribution in 'De Tijd'. 
