CLS invites two students per law faculty
contrast law seminars invites two students per law faculty to attend the panel discussion on data protection that will take place on 15 February 2018. If you would like a wildcard, sign up via the ‘student wildcard’ button on the website contrast law seminars. With a wildcard you get a free seminar, a free copy of the book that we highlight during the seminar and a meet and greet with a contrast partner. We look forward to meeting you!
CLS invites two students per law faculty
contrast law seminars invites two students per law faculty to attend the panel discussion on data protection that will take place on 15 February 2018. If you would like a wildcard, sign up via the ‘student wildcard’ button on the website contrast law seminars. With a wildcard you get a free seminar, a free copy of the book that we highlight during the seminar and a meet and greet with a contrast partner. We look forward to meeting you!
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