Frank Wijckmans is guest speaker at a lunch forum organized by the Belgian Competition Authority

The lunch forum was dedicated to the revised Leniency Guidelines of the BCA. Joachim Marchandise, Legal Director of the BCA, discussed the most important amendments to the Leniency Guidelines. Frank Wijckmans, representing the "Vereniging voor Belgische Mededingingsadvocaten" (VBMA), a Belgian competition lawyers’ association, touched upon a number of important issues for practitioners. A dedicated working group of VBMA was actively involved in the public consultation preceding the publication of the revised Leniency Guidelines. The new Leniency Guidelines are available here.

03 May 2016

Frank Wijckmans is guest speaker at a lunch forum organized by the Belgian Competition Authority

The lunch forum was dedicated to the revised Leniency Guidelines of the BCA. Joachim Marchandise, Legal Director of the BCA, discussed the most important amendments to the Leniency Guidelines. Frank Wijckmans, representing the "Vereniging voor Belgische Mededingingsadvocaten" (VBMA), a Belgian competition lawyers’ association, touched upon a number of important issues for practitioners. A dedicated working group of VBMA was actively involved in the public consultation preceding the publication of the revised Leniency Guidelines. The new Leniency Guidelines are available here.

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