GCR Awards 2017 – Behavioural matter of the year (Europe)
contrast represented a multinational group involved in the European Commission’s truck cartel proceedings. This is one of the largest cartel investigations ever conducted by the Commission.
contrast is very proud that, in this year’s Global Competition Review Awards, the Trucks case has been shortlisted for “Behavioural matter of the year – Europe: Creative, strategic and innovative work carried out in a non-merger matter before an enforcer in Europe.” This complex and significant case is innovative as, for the first time, a settlement was secured after the Commission issued a statement of objections.
With a simple vote, you can support contrast in this Awards contest.
Voting is open until midnight CET on 24 February 2017. Please check our social pages, LinkedIn or Facebook, for further instructions.
We would very much appreciate your support!
GCR Awards 2017 – Behavioural matter of the year (Europe)
contrast represented a multinational group involved in the European Commission’s truck cartel proceedings. This is one of the largest cartel investigations ever conducted by the Commission.
contrast is very proud that, in this year’s Global Competition Review Awards, the Trucks case has been shortlisted for “Behavioural matter of the year – Europe: Creative, strategic and innovative work carried out in a non-merger matter before an enforcer in Europe.” This complex and significant case is innovative as, for the first time, a settlement was secured after the Commission issued a statement of objections.
With a simple vote, you can support contrast in this Awards contest.
Voting is open until midnight CET on 24 February 2017. Please check our social pages, LinkedIn or Facebook, for further instructions.
We would very much appreciate your support!