Seminar on Share Purchase Agreements - Temporary discount

On 15 June our partner Bart Bellen and contrast alumnus Jeroen Stevens spoke in Hasselt at a seminar organized by Intersentia.  Our book Share Purchase Agreements and the M&A Survey were offered to all participants as part of the package.  Both publications can temporarily be purchased through the Intersentia bookshop at exceptional discounts until the end of August. Please use the discount code “SPACONTR2018”.

24 Jun 2018

Seminar on Share Purchase Agreements - Temporary discount

On 15 June our partner Bart Bellen and contrast alumnus Jeroen Stevens spoke in Hasselt at a seminar organized by Intersentia.  Our book Share Purchase Agreements and the M&A Survey were offered to all participants as part of the package.  Both publications can temporarily be purchased through the Intersentia bookshop at exceptional discounts until the end of August. Please use the discount code “SPACONTR2018”.

Publication Studentcorner