Job fairs and campus interviews
You can find us on the following job fairs and campus interviews:
- 26 October 2023 - UAntwerpen (Handelsbeurs)
- 6 November 2023 - campus interviews KU Leuven
- 13 November 2023 - VUB (Maison du bois)
- 14 November 2023 - campus interviews UAntwerpen
- 21 November 2023 - UGent (ICC)
- 22 November 2023 - UCLouvain
- 23 November 2023 - KU Leuven (Brabanthal)
In the meantime you can register for our student workshops and other events Or provide us with your CV via our career page.
Student workshops
Discover our workshops for students and register. We hope to see you soon!
For 2023 - 2024, contrast is a sponsor of VRG Ghent, ELSA Gent, B2S Gent, Elsa Antwerpen, Elsa Brussel, Elsa Louvain-la-Neuve. The close cooperation between contrast and these student organisations proves its success by the attendance of law students from each university at contrast's workshops and the wide distribution of our well-known ruler ('het contrast-latje'). Year after year, our contrast ruler highlights an article of law.
- Filip Tuytschaever teaches competition law at the Law Faculty of the University of Brussels (VUB).
- Bart Bellen gives guest lectures on M&A at the Law Faculties of the Universities of Leuven (KUL), Ghent (UGent), Antwerp (UA) and Brussels (VUB).
- Herlinde Burez gives guest lectures at the Law Faculty of the University of Ghent.
- Milena Varga gives guest lectures at the Law Faculty of the University of Ghent.