Filip Tuytschaever

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Filip Tuytschaever is a specialist in EU, competition and distribution law. He advises companies and assists them before the EU Commission, the national competition authorities, the courts and international arbitration panels. He represented the EU Commission, the European Banking Authority and the Kingdom of Belgium before the Court of Justice of the EU.

Filip is a founding partner of contrast. He is also a professor of EU competition law at the Faculty of Law of the University of Brussels (VUB).

Filip holds a master’s degree in Law from the University of Ghent, an LL.M. in International and European law from the University of Brussels (VUB) and in Business Management from VLEKHO. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Law from the European University Institute (Florence), and he was a national expert in the Secretariat-General of the EU Commission and an intern in its Legal Service.

His publications include the books 'Vertical Agreements in EU Competition Law' (3rd edition, Oxford, Oxford University Press 2018, 462 p., with F. Wijckmans), ‘Distribution Agreements – EU – Belgium – Netherland’ (Brussels, Larcier 2018, 635 p., with F. Wijckmans a.o. – in Dutch), ‘Horizontal Agreements and Cartels in EU Competition Law’ (Oxford, Oxford University Press 2015, 512 p., ed. with F. Wijckmans) and ‘Differentiation in European Union Law’ (Oxford, Hart Publishing 1999, 298 p.).

Filip Tuytschaever is a member of the Brussels Bar. He speaks Dutch, English and French.

"Brilliant antitrust lawyer" Filip Tuytschaever specialises in EU, competition and distribution law. Sources enthuse: "He is always there when you need a question answered and his work product is great."

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